3.65 version eutron 7011
3.65 version eutron 7011

3.65 version eutron 7011

Neutrino–antineutrino annihilation into electrons and positrons can deposit more than 10 51 erg above the neutrinosphere of a Type II supernova (Goodman et al.

3.65 version eutron 7011

The study of the electron energy deposition rate (EDR) from the neutrino annihilation reaction was initiated by Cooperstein, van den Horn & Baron (1986), Cooperstein, van den Horn & Baron (1987) and Goodman, Dar & Nussinov (1987), respectively, and this process has been intensively investigated in the physical and astrophysical literature. The neutrino–antineutrino annihilation into electrons and positrons is an important candidate to explain the energy source of the gamma-ray bursts (GRBs Paczynski 1990 Mészáros & Rees 1992 Ruffert & Janka 1998, 1999 Asano & Iwamoto 2002). The differences in the equations of state for neutron and quark matter also have important effects on the spatial distribution of the energy deposition rate by neutrino–antineutrino annihilation.ĭense matter, equation of state, neutrinos, relativistic processes, stars: rotation 1 INTRODUCTION Rotation and general relativistic effects modify the total annihilation rate of the neutrino–antineutrino pairs on the rotation axis of compact stellar general relativistic objects, as measured by an observer at infinity. The electron–positron energy deposition rate on the rotation axis of rotating neutron and quark stars is studied for two accretion disc models (isothermal disc and accretion disc in thermodynamical equilibrium). We obtain the energy deposition rates for several classes of rotating neutron stars, described by different equations of state of the neutron matter, and for quark stars, described by the MIT bag model equation of state and in the colour-flavour-locked phase, respectively. The neutrino trajectories are obtained by using a ray tracing algorithm, based on numerically solving the Hamilton–Jacobi equation for neutrinos by reversing the proper time evolution. Under the assumption of the separability of the neutrino null geodesic equation of motion, we obtain the general relativistic expression of the energy deposition rate for arbitrary stationary and axisymmetric space–times. The source of the neutrinos is assumed to be a neutrino-cooled accretion disc around the compact object. We investigate the deposition of energy due to the annihilations of neutrinos and antineutrinos on the rotation axis of rotating neutron and quark stars, respectively.

3.65 version eutron 7011